


We pursue the ultimate in quality to provide photographers with camera optics that stand the test of time. Longevity, at its core, is the best measure of true sustainability, and we are committed to creating lenses and cameras that not only endure but also bring joy for years to come.

Our products are designed to inspire optimism, unique moments, and lasting memories. To us, photography is an art that nurtures a deeper appreciation for the world, encouraging people to see it in new ways and empathize with different perspectives. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to a world of connection and beauty that fosters creativity today and optimism for tomorrow.


Principle 1

Expanding the potential of photography and video by creating outstanding products that combine beauty, innovation, quality, and performance.

Principle 2

Building mutually stimulating, sincere relationships with our customers, business partners, and local communities by conducting business in a way that builds trust and goodwill.

Principle 3

Contributing towards a better society and to a better future by creating an environment in which all our employees and business partners can work safely and with peace of mind.


1. Consideration for the environment

We continuously adopt and invest in more environmentally-friendly facilities and equipment in order to help achieve a more sustainable world.

In addition to complying with respective laws and regulations, we constantly update the knowledge and technology needed to realize concrete actions.

2. Absolute respect for human rights and diversity

All of our business activities, as well as those of our partners, are built on sincere respect for human rights and diversity.

We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or exploitation based on ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disabilities, religious beliefs, cultural background, social status or other attributes.

3. Contributing towards society and culture

As part of the photography technology industry, we believe in the importance of a rich, diverse culture and in the universal happiness of all people. We wish for peace and stability throughout the world and believe in the strength of humanity and justice.

As a global actor, Sigma is mindful of its social duties and dedicated to fulfilling its cultural and humanitarian responsibilities.

4. Compliance with laws and regulations

In addition to complying with all local laws and regulations, we conduct our business activities according to high moral and ethical standards and in a way that repays the trust and cooperation offered to us.

We wish to act within a free and open environment that follows the principles of fair trade and fair competition.

5. Supporting regional development

We actively support and take part in the economic, social, and cultural development of the regions in which our business is based.

We strive for fruitful, cooperative relationships that explore and create new and universal values while respecting regional needs, customs, and situations.

6. Sustainable, fulfilling employment

We regard sustainable, fulfilling employment as the foundation of our business and provide — and constantly improve — a safe and healthy work environment for all our staff.

Further, we support the growth of our employees by providing ample opportunities to study new technology and widen their knowledge, skills, and experience.


1. Contributing towards a low-carbon society

  • LED lights used in some facilities as well as in parking lots and along roads at our Aizu factory
  • Active adoption of energy-saving measures (e.g., high-efficiency air conditioning, server shutdowns at night, etc.)
  • Implementation of measures to reduce GWP (Global Warming Potential)
  • Kawasaki head office built with high greening rate and in consideration of the surrounding environment
  • Reduction of electricity use and carbon emissions by shifting from on-site to public cloud services
  • Active adoption of equipment and machinery by carbon-neutral manufacturers
  • Partnering with environmentally-conscious logistics companies (e.g., delivery planning based on direct connections, minimum number of flights, etc.)
  • Participation in initiatives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as the partial use of sustainable fuels and carbon credit offsetting, with efforts to obtain certification for these actions

2. Reducing our environmental impact and realizing a low-waste, recycling-oriented society

  • Sigma head office is ISO14001 certified (an environmental management standard to minimize negative effects)
  • Strict compliance with leading regulations and directives around the world, including RoHS and REACH
  • Establishment of standards for managing chemical substances contained in products, and propagation of these standards in all relevant divisions
  • Appropriate sorting and disposal of industrial waste
  • Active use of recycled materials in various processes at our Aizu factory
  • Active adoption of less-harmful paints and main materials
  • Highlighting long product life as an added value in the promotion of our products
  • Move towards paperless methods for internal and external communication (e.g., using tablets instead of print-outs, adoption of cloud and online sharing tools, etc.)
  • Plant-based vegetable inks for printed matter
  • Reducing the necessary number of parts and materials through continuous reassessment
  • Active reuse of materials and fixtures for trade shows and exhibitions
  • Simplifying and minimizing the use of synthetic materials (e.g., in product packaging)
  • Capital investment for a power-saving system using geothermal heat from groundwater

3. Respecting human rights and diversity and fostering an inclusive society

  • Conducting human rights due diligence for our supply chain
  • Anti-harassment and harassment prevention training
  • Initiatives and projects to promote women's empowerment
  • Encouraging male employees to take childcare leave
  • Diversity- and inclusion-based approach to all corporate communication materials
  • Respecting and understanding cultures, customs, and values in different regions and countries around the world
  • Explicit adherence to laws and regulations, as well as prohibition of any association with anti-social groups, as part of all our agency contracts
  • Providing a safe and pleasant work environment for all employees

4.  Contributing positively to society, culture and local communities


Our vision is a better present and a better future for society, the environment and people all around the world.


We strive to create products for Happy Moments
and contribute towards a better, more sustainable world.

Whenever people are happy, they want to hold on to that moment forever.
We strive to help give shape to these innumerable moments of happiness so that they will stay with us, even if the times and technologies may change.
That is what we regard as our mission: happy moments.

In order to achieve our vision, all our activities rest on the following three principles.
  • Expanding the potential of photography and video by creating outstanding products that combine beauty, innovation, quality and performance.
  • Building mutually stimulating, sincere relationships with our customers, business partners and local communities by conducting business in a way that builds trust and goodwill.
  • Contributing towards a better society and to a better future by creating an environment in which all our employees and business partners can work safely and with peace of mind.


We act according to six promises to fulfill our vision.

1. Consideration for the environment

We continuously adopt and invest in more environmentally-friendly facilities and equipment in order to help achieve a more sustainable world.
In addition to complying with respective laws and regulations, we constantly update the knowledge and technology needed to realize concrete actions.

2. Absolute respect for human rights and diversity

All of our business activities, as well as those of our partners, are built on sincere respect for human rights and diversity.
We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or exploitation based on ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disabilities, religious beliefs, cultural background, social status or other attributes.

3. Contributing towards society and culture

As part of the photography technology industry, we believe in the importance of a rich, diverse culture and in the universal happiness of all people. We wish for peace and stability throughout the world and believe in the strength of humanity and justice.
As a global actor, Sigma is mindful of its social duties and dedicated to fulfilling its cultural and humanitarian responsibilities.

4. Compliance with laws and regulations

In addition to complying with all local laws and regulations, we conduct our business activities according to high moral and ethical standards and in a way that repays the trust and cooperation offered to us.
We wish to act within a free and open environment that follows the principles of fair trade and fair competition.

5. Supporting regional development

We actively support and take part in the economic, social and cultural development of the regions in which our business is based.
We strive for fruitful, cooperative relationships that explore and create new and universal values while respecting regional needs, customs and situations.

6. Sustainable, fulfilling employment

We regard sustainable, fulfilling employment as the foundation of our business and provide - and constantly improve - a safe and healthy work environment for all our staff.
Further, we support the growth of our employees by providing ample opportunities to study new technology and widen their knowledge, skills and experience.


1. Contributing towards a low-carbon society

  • LED lights used in some facilities as well as in parking lots and along roads at our Aizu factory
  • Active adoption of energy-saving measures (e.g., high-efficiency air conditioning, server shutdowns at night, etc.)
  • Implementation of measures to reduce GWP (Global Warming Potential)
  • Kawasaki head office built with high greening rate and in consideration of the surrounding environment
  • Reduction of electricity use and carbon emissions by shifting from on-site to public cloud services
  • Active adoption of equipment and machinery by carbon-neutral manufacturers
  • Partnering with environmentally-conscious logistics companies (e.g., delivery planning based on direct connections, minimum number of flights, etc.)
  • Participation in initiatives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as the partial use of sustainable fuels and carbon credit offsetting, with efforts to obtain certification for these actions.

2. Reducing our environmental impact and realizing a low-waste, recycling-oriented society

  • Sigma head office is ISO14001 certified (an environmental management standard to minimize negative effects)
  • Strict compliance with leading regulations and directives around the world, including RoHS and REACH
  • Establishment of standards for managing chemical substances contained in products, and propagation of these standards in all relevant divisions
  • Appropriate sorting and disposal of industrial waste
  • Active use of recycled materials in various processes at our Aizu factory
  • Active adoption of less-harmful paints and main materials
  • Highlighting long product life as an added value in the promotion of our products
  • Move towards paperless methods for internal and external communication (e.g., using tablets instead of print-outs, adoption of cloud and online sharing tools, etc.)
  • Plant-based vegetable inks for printed matter
  • Reducing the necessary number of parts and materials through continuous reassessment
  • Active reuse of materials and fixtures for trade shows and exhibitions
  • Simplifying and minimizing the use of synthetic materials (e.g., in product packaging)
  • Capital investment for a power-saving system using geothermal heat from groundwater

3. Respecting human rights and diversity, and fostering an inclusive society

  • Conducting human rights due diligence for our supply chain
  • Anti-harassment and harassment prevention training
  • Initiatives and projects to promote women's empowerment
  • Encouraging male employees to take childcare leave
  • Diversity- and inclusion-based approach to all corporate communication materials
  • Respecting and understanding cultures, customs and values in different regions and countries around the world
  • Explicit adherence to laws and regulations, as well as prohibition of any association with anti-social groups, as part of all our agency contracts
  • Providing a safe and pleasant work environment for all employees

4. Contributing positively to society, culture and local communities

  • Continued support of Médecins Sans Frontières Japan as a corporate partner since 2007
  • Continued donations of 3% of our online store sales to Médecins Sans Frontières Japan
  • Additional immediate donations to the Médecins Sans Frontières' Emergency Team to help with international crises, such as the earthquake in Syria and Turkey or the war in Ukraine
  • Contribution to the disaster relief fund for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (donation made to the Fukushima office of the Japanese Red Cross Society on April 21, 2011)
  • Financial support for the full restoration of the Tadami Line in Fukushima Prefecture, which was damaged in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
  • Continued sponsorship of the Kyotographie International Photography Festival and related satellite event KG+ since 2017
  • Financial support for the restoration of the Seated Healing Buddha statue of Enichi-ji Temple in Bandai, Fukushima
  • Continued donations to the Bandai City Social Welfare Council twice a year


3. Procurement Policy

Management of Chemical Substances

At Sigma, based on our promises to take consideration for the environmental impact as well as to comply with the laws and regulations, we make sure we are in alignment with the regulations and directives in various countries as represented by the EU's RoHS Directive or the REACH Regulation, establish management standard for chemical substances contained in our products, and ensure relevant departments are well-informed. We take measures to ensure that the safety of our products and our manufacturing processes are secured in terms of global environmental conservation, security and disaster prevention, occupational health and safety, and quality assurance. To achieve this, follow the global trends in chemical substance regulations, and to appropriately meet the required standards, we conduct interviews with our suppliers as necessary to understand the characteristics of chemical substances and their impact on product development, raw material procurement, and manufacturing.

Promotion of Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on our promises for respecting human rights and complying with the laws and regulations, not only do we practice responsible sourcing through the perspectives of compliance, information management, respect for human rights, and consideration for environmental impact, but we also conduct regular surveys with our suppliers through which we seek for their understanding on our fundamental principles. Through these efforts, we aim to achieve a sustainable society together with all the stakeholders who are involved in our business activities.

4. Privacy Policy

5. Site Policy

6. Official Social Media Policy